
Coral Blue proficiency in the following makes it an unbeatable destination for all your water sports needs – We put your safety first, enjoy watersports and trips at unbeatable prices, book easily online, one-of-a-kind excursions, trained & fully qualified staff and we enjoy the goodwill of our customers to the extent that almost 80% of them are either repeat of referred to by our existing customers. Anyone over 10 years of age. Having said that, we grant an exception for a few 8 and 9 year old’s provided they meet a certain criteria as laid down by our professional divers.

While you must be at least 10 years of age to be a certified diver, you can never be too old to attempt it.

No, it isn’t. If you’re comfortable in the water and can swim it will be a walk in the park. However, if you aren’t any of those two things, our instructors will make sure you comfortable to a level where you can enjoy it as well.

Not at all. Make sure your face mask is fastened correctly so that water doesn’t fill up in them and you will be fine.

Never drink and dive, never eat a big meal before you dive and never lie about any medical condition you may have to your dive instructor before you dive.